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Devlog on DelivRoocket: “I made you sail through solar winds”

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My first Game Jam
After six months on Unity, I started my first Jam! Signing up alone wasn’t the best idea at first. But I managed to finish a game on time, so I’m to be applauded!

A year of progress in Unity
I started working on Unity with Djinns Duel before moving on to other projects. A year later, it’s time to get back into it and see what I can do now.

An endless cave with topographic style
After a quick look on how to generate and modify meshes in Unity, I’m now lost at the bottom of the ocean, in an infinite cave…

Creating a game on R…
How I decided to prototype a game using R. The software designed for statistical analysis. Bad idea. But very instructive. Don’t do it anyway. It motivated me to learn Unity.